Greetings, Patriots.
At a White House event on Wednesday, President Obama took questions from "Tumblr" users. These questions ranged from his plans post-White House to what he would say to graduates completing their studies. Among the many presidential sound bytes offered up during the event was the following:
"if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been."
(bold lettering, mine).
On Tuesday, the day before these remarks were made, the President spoke following yet another tragic school shooting (this time in the state of Oregon) and had this to say:
"My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage. We’re the only developed country on earth where this happens. And it happens now once a week. And it’s a one-day story. There’s no place else like this."
Wow! Talk about a quantum leap from peril to peace! Let's make sure we have this straight: on Tuesday, the world (particularly the U.S.) is in grave danger because of guns being in the hands of people who do damage with them. But on Wednesday, miraculously, the world is suddenly "less violent than it has ever been." How on earth are we to explain such a paradigm shift?
Could it be that the President was simply using a horrific tragedy in order to play politics with our God-granted, Constitutionally-protected liberties once again? Naaaah! Just ask the countless devotees to Obama who mindlessly and smirkingly assure us time and time again that NO ONE (least of all our beloved President) is out to take our firearms. And if we dare to believe or question otherwise, well, then, we're just paranoid, or hateful, or...wait for it...racist!
In all fairness, there may actually be some merit to what Obama's supporters are saying; specifically with regard to the government not wanting to directly confiscate our firearms at THIS time. However, lovers of liberty would be remiss in ignoring for a moment the reality that the Obama administration is not about to let a crisis go to waste; particularly not the recent spate of shootings that have once again rocked this nation to its core.
President Obama has made no bones about the fact that his inability to get tighter restrictions on privately-owned firearms passed is one of the major disappointments he's had during his two terms in office. And make no mistake, he and his cohorts simply will NOT stop until they've done SOMETHING to stop guns from being used in violent crime.
And therein lies the rub. Violent crime, whether we like it or not, is a part of our fallen and at times, downright evil, human condition. It will never stop. Bad / crazy / violent people will ALWAYS commit violent acts against their fellow man, and guess what? They'll ALWAYS find a weapon of some kind with which to carry it out. On top of that, they'll also find a way around any law that government imposes upon society in order to stop them, whether the law be increased background checks, more "gun-free zones" or even technology that facilitates tracing firearms from the scene of a crime.
Peaceful citizens, on the other hand, always find themselves, as a result of anti-second amendment legislation, increasingly unable to acquire firearms with which to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property. Their endgame is simply disarmament and victimization as a result of simply wanting to defend themselves from the very violent and insane people against whom gun laws are intended to protect them in the first place.
Anti-gun statists might very well bring our nation to a point where private firearm ownership no longer exists. At that point, however, what they plan to do about other weapons that could be used in violent crime (blunt objects, sharp objects, even gravity [i.e. - throwing people off of a roof]) remains unclear.
For now, the battle against firearms and freedom rages on. One can only hope that the victories won and strides made by liberty loving citizens will persist and that we will continue to not only hold our ground, but advance toward freedom and against the insidious specter of oppression.
In the meantime, may we stay ever vigilant and ever ready to defend liberty by any means necessary.
Praesant Libero!
-Warren Brisbane
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