It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, but it's good to be back.
This week's post will be a short one, as I have come across a video that, in my estimation, is perhaps the most well-done and informative look at our current monetary policy, tax policy, and spending policy that I have ever encountered. Please give it a look and please feel free to share it with as many people as you can.
We are living in perilous times, despite what many well-meaning and glib people would have you believe. In a land that is supposedly "free," our government and those who profit most handsomely from it, have instituted for us a system of enslavement that we would do well to awaken to.
And I pray that we do.
Again, please watch the video and please disseminate as widely as you can.
Praesant Libero!
-Warren Brisbane
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